5 Ways Being Born into Fundamentalist Religion Hurts Your Development

Makayla Brooks
3 min readJan 10, 2024
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Being born into fundamentalist religion has potential to impact your development in damaging ways.

Here’s my disclaimer that this impact is different for different religions and different individuals, but in fundamentalism, the damage it creates is often life-altering and traumatizing.

Because of what I’ve experienced and seen in fundamentalist religion, I’ve compiled a list of 5 ways being born into fundamentalist religion hurts your development.

Let me know if any of them resonate with you.


In fundamentalism, you are not allowed to think for yourself.

You are indoctrinated into believing what you are told by the church, and researching, studying, or listening to media, music, or anybody outside of that cult — I mean group — is forbidden and a sin.

When institutions demand strict adherence to their religions doctrines, and don’t allow questioning or critical examination, children cannot develop independent, critical thinking skills.

As a result, these kids grow up thinking the way they have been taught is the only one right way, and their brain doesn’t realize that it’s allowed to think outside of that box.



Makayla Brooks
Makayla Brooks

Written by Makayla Brooks

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